Insights provides simple flight data monitoring and reporting using a visual dashboard to unlock key insights about your operations and safety events.
Spidertracks Insights can be accessed from the Flying page. clicking the insights icon in the left menu will take you to the new Dashboard.
The Dashboard looks like this. Here you will be able to see an overview of what's happening in the cockpit through the Spider X in there.
The Dashboard allows you to define and set specific parameters about your aircraft that you want to measure, such as excessive roll, a high rate of descent, maximum altitude, and/or a heading change.
With Insights allows you to analyse, measure, and interpret information such as:
- Total Events: Total count of all Safety Events generated in the selected time period.
- Total Event Types: The number of different types of Safety Events generated.
- Aircraft with Safety Events: Percentage of aircraft in the organisation with a SpiderX that have generated Safety Events.
- Flights with Safety Events: Percentage of flights in the organisation with a SpiderX that have generated Safety Events.
- Flights in Review: Flights and their associated events will be segmented to this chart if we detect something suspicious in the data. This could include a high number of events, data loss or something on our end that is not quite right. The data from these flights will not be included in the aggregate counts on the other graphs so they do not skew the overall results.
The Top Ten Event Types:
Ranking of the different types of Safety Events that have been generated by count, Event type with the highest occurrence at the top.
Limited to the top 10 event types, if less than 10 event types are generated then the chart will display less than 10 types.
Top 10 Aircraft with Safety Events:
Ranking of the aircraft that have generated the highest count of Safety events, from highest to lowest.
Limited to top 10 aircraft for larger fleets, if less than 10 aircraft have generated events then less than 10 will display in this chart.
Location Of Safety Events
Map view of the latitude/longitude where Safety Events have been generated.
Hover over each event to see the lat/long, Aircraft, Flight ID, and type of Safety Event.
Trend of Safety Events:
Trend of the number of Safety Events generated per day.
Hovering over the legend at the top will highlight the specific events. If you would like to filter these in more detail selecting the event by toggling them on / off will enable the filters.
The total count is displayed as well as a breakdown by type of Event.
To set up your Events, please see this article: Setting Up & Configuring Insight Events.
Dashboard Filters
Date Range Filter
Use this filter to select which date range you want to display the data for.
By default the date range filter will display the last 30 days' data, click on these dates to open the calendar and update the dates selected.
Aircraft Filter
Use this filter to select the data for certain aircraft only. By default, all of your aircraft that are registered to a Spider X will be selected.
To update the filter
1. Click on the Aircraft button and a list of your aircraft will be available to refine.
2. Those with the checkbox ticked will have their data displayed on the dashboard.
Dashboard Drill-Downs
There are two drill downs available on the Safety Events dashboard to better understand the data presented, these are Total Events and Flights in Review.
Total Events Drill Down
1. Click on the blue Total Events metric to access this drill down. A table containing a breakdown of Safety Events across each flight will open as an overlay.
2. Select a specific flight to view by clicking the Flight ID.
3. To scroll across the columns use the grey slider.
To return to the dashboard click anywhere in the dark grey space to close the table.
Note: This Flight ID is also available on the History page which can be searched by Aircraft.
Flights in Review Drill Down
Click on the Flights In Review metric to access this drill down:
A table containing a breakdown of Safety Events across each flight in review will open as an overlay.
This is intended to provide an understanding of why these flights are in review, typically they will have a high number of events.
What type of Spider do I need to get Insights?
Insights is available on the Spider X. This device has new sensors that capture the data required to generate Insights about how an aircraft is being flown.
What plan should I subscribe to for Insights?
The Insights plan is required to access this feature, this includes unlimited tracking and Spidertxt.
Where do I find Insights?
Insights are available in the Spidertracks platform using your existing credentials. A new menu item ‘Insights’ is located below the Flying page in the main navigation.
I'm using Safari. Why is the Insights page not loading?
Apple recently updated cross-site tracking to be blocked by default in Safari. This is a known cause for the Insights page not loading for Safari users. To enable visibility of the Insights dashboard:
1. Open Safari and navigate to Settings > Privacy.
2. Untick "Prevent cross-site tracking" next to "Website tracking".
Insights User Permissions
- Non-admin users will not see the Insights icon on the main menu.
- Non-admin users will be redirected if they try to access the Insights Dashboard via URL.
- Dashboard cache will be cleared when a user logs out or closes the tab in case of shared devices.
- If a user is removed from an Organisation or has Admin user role removed then they will no longer have access to the Insight Dashboard.
Insights cache and cookie clearing after Logout
When an Admin user has logged in to view the dashboard and either logs out or closes the browser tab, the Dashboard cookie will be cleared so that if a non-admin user from the same Organisation shares the device, they will not be able to view the cached data.
How can I see which flight an event occurred on?
A FlightID number is available in the dashboard and will also be added to the history table, allowing you to easily locate the track and 3D Replay.
Can I see more detail about an event?
Hover over each event in the location map to see the aircraft, flightid, location, and parameter value at the time the event occurred.
How often is the Dashboard refreshed?
The Safety Events Dashboard is refreshed every 12 hours at 19:00 and 07:00 UTC.
What time zone is the data presented in?
Currently the Safety Event Dashboard is presented in UTC time zone.
Can I change the default thresholds?
Yes. You can update these yourself at any time in the admin settings. We recommend that you set your exceedance thresholds first to make sure that the events generated are relevant to your organisation and the way that you fly.
Can I categorise the Safety Events based on the type of flight?
Spidertracks has identified this need and our product team are working through the best way to enable this. It will likely require manual coding of flights to categories. Please contact us at for more information.
Can we get engine events?
The current Spider X does not capture this data, we are exploring options that would enable us to do this in the future.
We fly out of cell coverage for periods of time, will this work for us?
The data used for Insights is send to the Spidertracks platform via cellular connection. The Spider X stores approx. 16 hours of data so if you are out of range for less than this time the data will be uploaded when you are back in coverage.
What browsers is Insights supported on?
Insights are accessed within the Spidertracks platform and are supported on the same browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge.
I’m having trouble accessing the Dashboard using Safari, what can I do?
If you can access everything else in the Spidertracks platform using Safari but are not able to open the Insights Dashboard then there may be a settings conflict. From Safari go to Preferences, then select Privacy > Uncheck “Prevent cross-site tracking”.
If you have any trouble or if you for any other questions, please contact
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