Insights gives you the ability to view individual flight reports. Gain a deeper understanding of a single flight from beginning to end.
Note: Safety Insights events are available to customers set up and subscribed to the Safety Insights module. Contact our sales team if you are interested in trialling or subscribing to this product.
To set this up, please contact to assist.
How To Create A Notification
1. Click Admin and Select My Settings.
2. Select Organisation.
3. Select Notifications (Spider X).
4. Select the Exceedance tab.
5. Click Add.
Note: You will see a warning if you do not currently have access to the Safety Insights module. In this case, you can still create a Notification configuration, but no events will be generated so it will never be triggered:
6. Select the Users you want to be notified.
All members of your Organisation will be listed, along with an option to select All Users or All Admin which are dynamic groups that automatically adjust as you change your organisations' users/admins roles.
7. Select the notification Type.
8. Select the Exceedances that will trigger the notification. This list displays all possible Safety Insights notification types and shows the number of rules defined for each in brackets. You can also multi-select the Types you want to trigger the notification.
9. Notify For:
- All Events.
- High Severity.
- Medium and High Severity
For events that don’t have severity configured, notifications will always be sent.
10. Click Save.
Your new notification configuration will now be displayed in the summary table.
Where multiple parameters have been selected, these can be seen by hovering over each table cell.
Edit or Delete A Notification Configuration
1. Select Admin.
2. Select Organisation.
3. Select Notifications (Spider X).
4. Select the Exceedance tab.
5. Click on the row containing the configuration you want to edit or delete.
6. Make adjustments as required.
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