This article provides a step-by-step instruction for setting up the Spidertracks integration available with Air Maestro.
Air Maestro is an all-in-one aviation software solution that manages Safety Management System (SMS) and Operational requirements. The software showcases over 20 customisable modules such as crew scheduling, flight records, training management, flight and duty and safety reporting.
Air Maestro enables flight crews to log incidents, track risks and hazards, and manage trends to empower a safety culture within any operation. More information can be found here.
If you are both a Spidertracks and Air Maestro customer and would like to integrate the two products, the following guides will be helpful to help you get set up.
Enabling Data Sharing
Within your Spidertacks account.
1. Select the Admin.
2. Open the organisation drop-down menu at the top of the menu and select the organisation you wish to enable Air Maestro for.
3. Select Integrations.
4. Select Manage Apps.
5. Click on the Connect button to initiate the process to authenticate with your Air Maestro account.
The authentication process between Spidertracks and Air Maestro now begins, by first redirecting to your Air Maestro site.
6. Add in your Air Maestro subdomain address.
In the Connect to Air Maestro popup, enter the Site Address (sub-domain) of the organisation you are with.
For example, the sub-domain for the site is example-aviation.
7. Click Connect.
8. You will now be redirected to the Air Maestro site where you will need to log in using your Air Maestro credentials to verify the link.
9. Once done, you will then be taken back to the Spidertracks site where you will need to log in, using your Spidertracks credentials.
10. If successful the list will refresh and the Air Maestro site link will show as connected.
Next Step
To complete the integration between the two systems, please see this article:
Air Maestro: How to turn on the Spidertracks integration in Air Maestro and assign access?
Other useful articles when considering the Air Maestro integration include:
Air Maestro: How to use Spidertracks and Air Maestro integration?
Air Maestro: How to map Spidertracks data with Air Maestro flight fields?
Air Maestro: How to create Flight Records from Spidertracks data?
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