Please note the following dependencies must be met to enable this feature:
- Mobile app must be v5.1.x or later
- Spider X firmware version must be v5.1.x or later
- The aircraft registration must be 11 characters or less, and only contain
- Digits (0 to 9)
- Characters (A to Z)
- The '-' special
- For example: N-1234, or VH-AB56C-SX
For assistance renaming an existing aircraft, refer to the Renaming support page.
NOTE: This feature is only supported on Spider X
NOTE: When the aircraft registration has been edited to meet requirements, the Spider X will need to restart (and get a green status light) twice for the change to take effect during pairing.
Identify and Pair by Aircraft Registration
TIP: This feature also works when the mobile device is not in cellular coverage.
After the above requirements have been met, within the mobile app the Spider X will now advertise the Aircraft Registration instead of a portion of it's serial number. This is more user-friendly, especially in the context of larger fleets.
In the mobile app Spider Connection menu, Spider X devices will advertise the Registration, along with their model and the full serial number of the device.
When paired, this registration will now also show in the More... menu for easy reference, as well as in all connection related notifications.
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